1. TEJGANGA TOPPER SCHOLARSHIP:- Class toppers students are awarded with this Scholarship which is 12 months free-ship.
2. TEJGANGA SUCCESS SCHOLARSHIP:- All the students, who complete the final exam regularly in every academic year are awarded 3 months free ship.
3. TONIYA BALDWIN SCHOLARSHIP:- Toniya Baldwin of Wichita State University, USA offers this scholarship for the students studying in Tejganga Multiple Campus. Eight students, who are selected for this scholarship scheme can read without paying monthly fee for the whole academic year.
4. PRATAP SING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP :- Shiva Pratap Karki, the son of Late Pratap Sing Karki is the founder of this scholarship. It is awarded to the two selected students Rs. 5000 each annually.
5. TEJGANGA SCHOLARSHIP:- Several need based Partial Scholarships are awarded on the basis of Research and Interview.
6. URMILA PANDEY SCHOLARSHIP:- Social Worker Mrs. Urmila Pandey is the founder of this scholarship. It is awarded to the four selected students Rs. 5000 each annually.
7. SURATH BAHADUR PYAKUREL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP:- Social workers Mr. Ujjwal Pyakurel and Mrs. Yamuna Karki are the founder of this scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to two selected students Rs. 5000 each annually.
# Several scholarships scheme to the poor, intelligent and needy students in co-operation with different institutions and personalities.
# 100% freeship in the tuition fee for the faculty toppers in next session.
# Attractive prizes for the second and third students of the class.
# Attractive prizes to the first and the second students in the internal weekend tests.
# Special scholarship to poor, marginalized, disabled and backward students.
# 100% freeship in the tuition fee for Kavre topper in the SLC.
# 100% freeship in the tuition fee for one of the students from backward community.
#Availability of various scholarship and freeships to the students based on their mark percentage in SLC exam.